Guardians Real ID

For Honor Flights after May 7, 2025, please be aware that TSA will require all travelers to have an ID that meets real ID requirements in order to pass through airport security to board the aircraft.  If you use a current passport, Military Retiree ID card or the new enhanced Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC) to board the aircraft, they currently meet TSA’s ID requirements.  But, if you use a California Driver’s License or California Senior ID you will have to update it to meet the Real ID requirements. See: .    It currently takes over 90 days to receive a new California Real ID card.   For more information on TSA ID requirements see:

If you did not include a copy of the same photo ID that you will show TSA at the airport, we will contact you a few months prior to your flight requesting you provide it.  You can upload it here or send a copy to the address we provide.  Make sure your ID is current and meets the Real ID requirements.

  • Guardian Real ID Upload

    Already Filed Your Application? Upload Your ID Below
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